Revelling in this; a sunshine blessed day, and the first I've had to myself in quite some time.
After a 2pm lie in, I went to the garden to pick fresh strawberries and rasperries. Unfortunately given I was born with two left feet I tripped over the front step for the second time in three weeks, resulting in a rolled ankle and both knees smashing straight into the concrete.
My first few weeks in London have been made so much easier due to the constant flow of friends from Sydney.
Have had lunch by the water in Richmond at The White Cross - cheese board and red wine.
I've visited Megan in Camden Town a few times, and it's fast becoming a favoured spot of mine.
So much to want and buy and fall in love with.
I adore the eclectic nature of the markets, and the way that each person you walk past tells a completely different story to the next in the way they're dressed.
A visit to Cyberdog almost made me want to go to a rave again. Unfortunately photos are not permitted, and my words cannot do the store justice.
Two levels, split into three distinct sections of the most incredible attire. Think The Jetsons ft. pac man; on steroids.
Quite literally, a rave in a shop.
My heart raced when I walked in and heard the music pulsing through the store. You're hard pressed to sop yourself from dancing. If you're there at the right time you'll see dancers on the podiums which are a sight to behold themselves. Brilliant form and movement.
Megan has introduced me also to the delight that is the corner waffle store. Ahhh-mazing.
Hannah, Stef and I had lunch at the Belgium Beir Cafe in Covent Garden and then watched the England vs Slovenia match at Zoo Bar. We were initally rejected and told it was strictly 'guest list only', then ushered to the back and told we could get in if we paid £2.
A guy I met at the bar there has given me a list of establishments I should visit if I want to meet actual British men and not Australians. I shall have to work my way through the list shortly.
Then went to Oneill's in Wimbeldon with Jess and Lucie to watch the Australia vs Serbia match. Made a new friend from Darwin (I know what you're thinking) named Paul who was my train buddy for the evening.
Met up for lunch with Paul and Hannah the following day. We ate in Covent Garden at the Punch & Judy pub - fantastic view over the covent garden markets. Then wandered down to Trafalgar square as I wanted pictures on the lions. However even after a boost from Paul my attempt at climbing them was utterly ridiculous. Photos were taken under the lion instead!
Hannah came back to Chorleywood with me that night, and we had dinner and drinks at The Stag.
We met up with Stef, Jess, Lucie and Megan the following day in Camden. Enjoyed the electic nature of the markets for and stopped for lunch. Back to Megan's house to play with her new kitten, and then jugs of pimms and lemonade at The Lock; my favourite drinking hole so far with divine antique 1940s-inspired decor.
The tour was not exactly what I expected. I had assumed there would be more people travelling solo, but it was only me and another girl, Taylor. I did find this dissapointing at first, having discovered I was in a group of siblings and couples. However the group were all lovely, so it didn't take us long to warm to each other.
After a 2pm lie in, I went to the garden to pick fresh strawberries and rasperries. Unfortunately given I was born with two left feet I tripped over the front step for the second time in three weeks, resulting in a rolled ankle and both knees smashing straight into the concrete.
My first few weeks in London have been made so much easier due to the constant flow of friends from Sydney.
Have had lunch by the water in Richmond at The White Cross - cheese board and red wine.
I've visited Megan in Camden Town a few times, and it's fast becoming a favoured spot of mine.
So much to want and buy and fall in love with.
I adore the eclectic nature of the markets, and the way that each person you walk past tells a completely different story to the next in the way they're dressed.
A visit to Cyberdog almost made me want to go to a rave again. Unfortunately photos are not permitted, and my words cannot do the store justice.
Two levels, split into three distinct sections of the most incredible attire. Think The Jetsons ft. pac man; on steroids.
Quite literally, a rave in a shop.
My heart raced when I walked in and heard the music pulsing through the store. You're hard pressed to sop yourself from dancing. If you're there at the right time you'll see dancers on the podiums which are a sight to behold themselves. Brilliant form and movement.
Megan has introduced me also to the delight that is the corner waffle store. Ahhh-mazing.
Hannah, Stef and I had lunch at the Belgium Beir Cafe in Covent Garden and then watched the England vs Slovenia match at Zoo Bar. We were initally rejected and told it was strictly 'guest list only', then ushered to the back and told we could get in if we paid £2.
A guy I met at the bar there has given me a list of establishments I should visit if I want to meet actual British men and not Australians. I shall have to work my way through the list shortly.
Then went to Oneill's in Wimbeldon with Jess and Lucie to watch the Australia vs Serbia match. Made a new friend from Darwin (I know what you're thinking) named Paul who was my train buddy for the evening.
Met up for lunch with Paul and Hannah the following day. We ate in Covent Garden at the Punch & Judy pub - fantastic view over the covent garden markets. Then wandered down to Trafalgar square as I wanted pictures on the lions. However even after a boost from Paul my attempt at climbing them was utterly ridiculous. Photos were taken under the lion instead!
Hannah came back to Chorleywood with me that night, and we had dinner and drinks at The Stag.
We met up with Stef, Jess, Lucie and Megan the following day in Camden. Enjoyed the electic nature of the markets for and stopped for lunch. Back to Megan's house to play with her new kitten, and then jugs of pimms and lemonade at The Lock; my favourite drinking hole so far with divine antique 1940s-inspired decor.
I have just now returned from a whirlwhind of a trip with Topdeck to a few parts of Europe. It was a great introduction to a few places, and well priced.
The idea of these sorts of tours is to give you a taste of particular countries so you know which ones to go back and delve deeper into at a later date.
The idea of these sorts of tours is to give you a taste of particular countries so you know which ones to go back and delve deeper into at a later date.
The tour was not exactly what I expected. I had assumed there would be more people travelling solo, but it was only me and another girl, Taylor. I did find this dissapointing at first, having discovered I was in a group of siblings and couples. However the group were all lovely, so it didn't take us long to warm to each other.
It also felt disorganised at times, for instance the tour leader made no effort whatsoever to introduce us all initially, and there wasn't much in the way of planned activities.
I was initially told I had a single room as Taylor had cancelled, only for her to join the tour in Amsterdam and be greeted at the door by a half naked Karla, oops! I've always been great at making first impressions.
Apart from the Topdeck tour I also spent a few days with a friend in Brighton and went back to Amsterdam for a couple of nights.
Amsterdam - incredibly relaxed culture, and I don't believe it's just because everyone is stoned.
Compared to other large cities where you tend to feel people are bowing there heads on purpose to avoid eye contact, the general population there seemed to be incredibly welcoming.
In the midst of World Cup fever, Amsterdam felt inherently patriotic. Above me were flags of orange and large inflated soccer balls, underneath my feet were cobbled pavement and concrete alley ways lined with orange confetti, being handed out at several shops were world cup bracelets and adorning the manequins in sex shops were orange balloons, leis and face paint.
People in Amsterdam seem to ride bikes before they've learnt to walk, so pedestrians beware. It's quite bizarre to catch a ferry and see that the people surrounding you are not standing as you are, but sitting on bikes, and to be worried about bikes hitting you on the roads rather than cars.
There were cliched moments such as joints in Vondelpark with a group singing happy days in the background, and hookahs on the comfy couches at Lost; listening to chilled tunes and accompanies by a very slow moving cat.
Went to a few sex shows (audience participation required!) and walked through the red light distict to see girls selling themselves from the boxes lining the strip; one of whom was eating a cheese burger.
I got a chance to visit Anne Franke's house and receive a guided tour which was quite remarkable. Would have liked to visit the some of the museums, Van Gogh and sex ones alike, or perhaps the Heineken Brewery but wasn't afforded the time. Perhaps on my next visit.
I stayed 2 nights at Hotel Citadel which was pleasant enough and only 10 minutes walk to central, 5 mintues to Dam Square. Also spent a night at the Amstel Botel, which as the name suggests was a hotel on a boat. Did not enjoy this one so much, it was difficult not to notice the boat swaying, but it was an experience.
Alana is moving back to Australia from Sweden in August. I had planned to catch up with her in Sweden but we will be on opposite ends, so it was great that I was able to give her cuddles in Amsterdam instead and meet her character of a boyfriend.
Spending time with Stef and Hannah was a treat as always.
I was initially told I had a single room as Taylor had cancelled, only for her to join the tour in Amsterdam and be greeted at the door by a half naked Karla, oops! I've always been great at making first impressions.
Apart from the Topdeck tour I also spent a few days with a friend in Brighton and went back to Amsterdam for a couple of nights.
Amsterdam - incredibly relaxed culture, and I don't believe it's just because everyone is stoned.
Compared to other large cities where you tend to feel people are bowing there heads on purpose to avoid eye contact, the general population there seemed to be incredibly welcoming.
In the midst of World Cup fever, Amsterdam felt inherently patriotic. Above me were flags of orange and large inflated soccer balls, underneath my feet were cobbled pavement and concrete alley ways lined with orange confetti, being handed out at several shops were world cup bracelets and adorning the manequins in sex shops were orange balloons, leis and face paint.
People in Amsterdam seem to ride bikes before they've learnt to walk, so pedestrians beware. It's quite bizarre to catch a ferry and see that the people surrounding you are not standing as you are, but sitting on bikes, and to be worried about bikes hitting you on the roads rather than cars.
There were cliched moments such as joints in Vondelpark with a group singing happy days in the background, and hookahs on the comfy couches at Lost; listening to chilled tunes and accompanies by a very slow moving cat.
Went to a few sex shows (audience participation required!) and walked through the red light distict to see girls selling themselves from the boxes lining the strip; one of whom was eating a cheese burger.
I got a chance to visit Anne Franke's house and receive a guided tour which was quite remarkable. Would have liked to visit the some of the museums, Van Gogh and sex ones alike, or perhaps the Heineken Brewery but wasn't afforded the time. Perhaps on my next visit.
I stayed 2 nights at Hotel Citadel which was pleasant enough and only 10 minutes walk to central, 5 mintues to Dam Square. Also spent a night at the Amstel Botel, which as the name suggests was a hotel on a boat. Did not enjoy this one so much, it was difficult not to notice the boat swaying, but it was an experience.
Alana is moving back to Australia from Sweden in August. I had planned to catch up with her in Sweden but we will be on opposite ends, so it was great that I was able to give her cuddles in Amsterdam instead and meet her character of a boyfriend.
Spending time with Stef and Hannah was a treat as always.
Germany - Visited the Rhine Valley (Rudesheim) and stayed at Germania Landgasthof which is a familly run guest house with its own vineyards which was lovely. Partook in a wine tasting there and had a home cooked meal. Not entirely sure what the meal was; it did appaear they served Miso soup as an entree but I may be wrong. We enquired about the pool as it was incredibly hot the day we arrived, and were informed they had closed it for the summer.
Visited Munich, staying at the Orly (ya, rly :p) Hotel. I adored Munich. It was utterly charming - the buildings looked like something out of a fairy tale book, all the window sills lined with flower boxes, and men and women in traditional outfits selling pretzels and serving beer. Sadly I spent most of the time in the hotel room as I was quite ill. But I will definitely be back to visit, and of course I managed to fit in a stein or two.
Czech Republic - Stayed in Prague at Hotel U Tri Korunek. This was the biggest hotel room I had throughout my trip, I can't begin to describe how exciting the space was. The city was architecurally beautiful, I found the city scape intriguing. So many winding alley ways amongst brightly coloured buildings and gothic roof tops.
Double Trouble Music Bar was a souvenir shop during the day, and at sundown led you down a set of stairs to a brilliant little club. Music was juke-box-inspired at the beginning but as the hours wore on reminded me more of good old Arq and served the best Long Island Ice Teas I've ever had, and that's saying something.
Our last night there we had a lot of chezch moeny to use up so started by sitting on the street drinking cans of beer from a tabac shop. Decided we would never get rid of our money this way at the beer was too cheap (ha!) so took ourselves off the to Tiki Taki Cocktail Bar next door. This bar appeared to have died and come back to life as a shack on a beach in Hawaii I think. Bamboo seats, surfboards lining the wall and a toilet seats filled with sand and sea shells. Many a 'premium' cocktail was had and free joints towards the end. Then 1 hour of sleep before hopping on a bus for the next day's adventures.
Visited Munich, staying at the Orly (ya, rly :p) Hotel. I adored Munich. It was utterly charming - the buildings looked like something out of a fairy tale book, all the window sills lined with flower boxes, and men and women in traditional outfits selling pretzels and serving beer. Sadly I spent most of the time in the hotel room as I was quite ill. But I will definitely be back to visit, and of course I managed to fit in a stein or two.
Czech Republic - Stayed in Prague at Hotel U Tri Korunek. This was the biggest hotel room I had throughout my trip, I can't begin to describe how exciting the space was. The city was architecurally beautiful, I found the city scape intriguing. So many winding alley ways amongst brightly coloured buildings and gothic roof tops.
Double Trouble Music Bar was a souvenir shop during the day, and at sundown led you down a set of stairs to a brilliant little club. Music was juke-box-inspired at the beginning but as the hours wore on reminded me more of good old Arq and served the best Long Island Ice Teas I've ever had, and that's saying something.
Our last night there we had a lot of chezch moeny to use up so started by sitting on the street drinking cans of beer from a tabac shop. Decided we would never get rid of our money this way at the beer was too cheap (ha!) so took ourselves off the to Tiki Taki Cocktail Bar next door. This bar appeared to have died and come back to life as a shack on a beach in Hawaii I think. Bamboo seats, surfboards lining the wall and a toilet seats filled with sand and sea shells. Many a 'premium' cocktail was had and free joints towards the end. Then 1 hour of sleep before hopping on a bus for the next day's adventures.

Switzerland - Spent time in Lucerne, and stayed at Jailhotel Löwengraben. Very much disliked the rooms in this hotel. It's a novel idea, converting a jail into a hotel, and I understand that they wanted to still keep some of the original fittings et al. ; however I did not at all enjoy sleeping on beds without springs, a tiny window you couldn't open feat. bars, and no aircon in 30-something degree weather.
Switzerland itself is unbelievably beautiful though.
I lived in Switzerland a few years ago for a few months, nannying for an Aunt and Uncle of mine, at that stage I was just outside of Geneva in town called Neon, where they spoke French. It was like a brand new place this time though.
To start with, Lucerne is in a German speaking part of Switzerland, and I was visiting at a different time of year.
I could not get over how blue the water was. Having spent a lot of time driving through the rest of Europe on our way to each of the places visisted on this tour, the change in scenery was quite incredible. From the flat never ending greenery of Amsterdam and the Rhine Valley, then suddenly mountains still topped with snow and water with such a gleam to it, and so blue that it almost looked false.
Spent the afternoon walking along the lake, a spot of shopping and a visit to the Lion Monument.
Had an unexpectedly brilliant night here.
Because the world cup was on the Jailhotel had this fantastic outdoor set up - loads of giant outdoor cushions, couches, swinging chairs and large tv screens set up to watch the games. We were kicked out around 11pm as they game had finished and we were making too much noise.
After strolling the streets it didn't seem like much of a party place so we were about to call it a night.
At that point someone in the group escorted us into a shopping centre and down a long corridor to a bar. Despite what outside appearance and location may suggest It was enormous; about 6 pool tables, games room and smoking area, two bars, juke box, a small vending machine that sold only tiny cans of baked beans and then a huge room that was set up as a beach - 20 or so tables with umbrellas, assorted beach chairs with stubbie holders, palm trees, and the entire floor area covered in deep sand. It was all kinds of wonderful being able to run around barefoot in the sand drinking beer and pretending we were at Bondi.
France - Campanile in Bagnolet is where we stayed on our nights in France. I was disspointed with this part of the trip in all honesty, and I'm glad this was my third trip to France and not my first.
I think I have been spoilt in the past, having travelled to France previously with family. Our last trip to France together as a family was particularly magical, as I think we knew it would be the last big trip for us all together. Dad had worked on a large scale project at work and his company shouted us a European trip. The hotel they housed us in whilst in Paris then was five star and situatied on Rue de Saint Honore, minutes away from the Opera House and the Champs-Elysées. We visited slightly off-peak so our lines to climb the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame, and visit the Louvre were not long. My parents had a private suite, my brother and I had our own rooms and we were presented with gourmet breakfasts each morning. Paris then had me spell-bound, I was one hundred percent caught up in the magic of the city, and the post cards and pictures I'd seen previously seemed to come to life.
So, I guess I came to Paris this time expecting to relive that.
Imagine my disgust when this time I was staying in ghetto france, 40 mins or so from the centre of Paris.
I tried and failed to do a biking tour of the city. So unstable :(
On our last night there we had a picnic in the park adajacent to the Eiffel tower and then went to a cabaret show.
The cabaret was not as good as the Moulin Rogue, but rather resplendent in its own right and a lovely way to round off our last night together.
After my travel between countries I spent a few nights with a friend of mine and his cousin in Brighton which was lovely and a great way to unwind after all the craziness of the couple of weeks beforehand.
Switzerland itself is unbelievably beautiful though.
I lived in Switzerland a few years ago for a few months, nannying for an Aunt and Uncle of mine, at that stage I was just outside of Geneva in town called Neon, where they spoke French. It was like a brand new place this time though.
To start with, Lucerne is in a German speaking part of Switzerland, and I was visiting at a different time of year.
I could not get over how blue the water was. Having spent a lot of time driving through the rest of Europe on our way to each of the places visisted on this tour, the change in scenery was quite incredible. From the flat never ending greenery of Amsterdam and the Rhine Valley, then suddenly mountains still topped with snow and water with such a gleam to it, and so blue that it almost looked false.
Spent the afternoon walking along the lake, a spot of shopping and a visit to the Lion Monument.
Had an unexpectedly brilliant night here.
Because the world cup was on the Jailhotel had this fantastic outdoor set up - loads of giant outdoor cushions, couches, swinging chairs and large tv screens set up to watch the games. We were kicked out around 11pm as they game had finished and we were making too much noise.
After strolling the streets it didn't seem like much of a party place so we were about to call it a night.
At that point someone in the group escorted us into a shopping centre and down a long corridor to a bar. Despite what outside appearance and location may suggest It was enormous; about 6 pool tables, games room and smoking area, two bars, juke box, a small vending machine that sold only tiny cans of baked beans and then a huge room that was set up as a beach - 20 or so tables with umbrellas, assorted beach chairs with stubbie holders, palm trees, and the entire floor area covered in deep sand. It was all kinds of wonderful being able to run around barefoot in the sand drinking beer and pretending we were at Bondi.
France - Campanile in Bagnolet is where we stayed on our nights in France. I was disspointed with this part of the trip in all honesty, and I'm glad this was my third trip to France and not my first.
I think I have been spoilt in the past, having travelled to France previously with family. Our last trip to France together as a family was particularly magical, as I think we knew it would be the last big trip for us all together. Dad had worked on a large scale project at work and his company shouted us a European trip. The hotel they housed us in whilst in Paris then was five star and situatied on Rue de Saint Honore, minutes away from the Opera House and the Champs-Elysées. We visited slightly off-peak so our lines to climb the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame, and visit the Louvre were not long. My parents had a private suite, my brother and I had our own rooms and we were presented with gourmet breakfasts each morning. Paris then had me spell-bound, I was one hundred percent caught up in the magic of the city, and the post cards and pictures I'd seen previously seemed to come to life.
So, I guess I came to Paris this time expecting to relive that.
Imagine my disgust when this time I was staying in ghetto france, 40 mins or so from the centre of Paris.
I tried and failed to do a biking tour of the city. So unstable :(
On our last night there we had a picnic in the park adajacent to the Eiffel tower and then went to a cabaret show.
The cabaret was not as good as the Moulin Rogue, but rather resplendent in its own right and a lovely way to round off our last night together.
After my travel between countries I spent a few nights with a friend of mine and his cousin in Brighton which was lovely and a great way to unwind after all the craziness of the couple of weeks beforehand.
In London this evening (and having trouble sleeping hence 4am update) and tomorrow night, then Sweden awaits :).
Going to watch Eclipse with Little Miss Schmoo tomorrow <3.
Going to watch Eclipse with Little Miss Schmoo tomorrow <3.